
Download game with cards

napoletane francesi genovesi romagnole milanesi siciliane bresciane piacentine

Country cards

sarde toscane trevisane triestine bergamasche piemontesi trentine  

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New Version 5.1
The scores are now visible while playing too.
In this version you can choice among 15 country-cards types.
Briscola is a very famous and popular italian card game. MUltimediaSTOre version provides  playing manner having your Computer as opponent.
At the starting, each player will receive three cards and the seventh will be discovered next to the pack of remaining. The suit of this card is called 'Briscola'. The players alternatively play the first card in each game. One player plays a card, the other follows. If second card suit is the same as the first one, the greather point will win; if it's different (and not briscola), it will loose; if briscola it will win. If two briscola are played, it's the same case

of the same suit played. Winning player draws a card   and first plays now the card.
When in a hand two same suit cards are played, and both points are 0, the greather value will win.
The Menu on the play table allows the choice of some background music.
At the end of each game the player's scores are displayed.

Points, corresponding to card values, are the following:
Neapolitan card suits - click here
Card Value Points
Ace 1 11
Two 2 0
Three 3 10
Four 4 0
Five 5 0
Six 6 0
Seven 7 0
Girl 8 2
Horse 9 3
King 10 4



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